Every week I will display on this page, items that I saw in auctions worldwide and that are of interest to make a profit as investment, or to contribute to the aesthetic of an art collection, or simply the first steps to an art collection.
I will consider only pictural fine art , such as paintings, gouaches, watercolors, drawings. I will try to avoid prints of all types since there is a problem worldwide with fakes, copies, or over numbered editions.
Unless we speak about important prints by Picasso, Warhol etc, I will not advise any investment in prints.
I will consider at first the quality of an artwork, the rarity, the potential investment of an upcoming artist, a painting attributed to an old master but of very high quality.
The values may be from a thousand $ up to several hundred of thousand of $
Please contact us for information, opinion, evaluation of the estimate. Contact
Week June 4 to June 10 2018: focus on Boldini, Tiepolo, Guardi, Sam Francis, Atlan, Leduc, Nibbrig, Tschang Yeul Kim.

Venitian school around 1800, in the style of Giambattista Tieolo,
Camp scene
79 cm x 166 cm or 31" x 65"
Estimated Euros 3.000 - 4.000 $ 3,500 to 5,000
Will be sold by Millon auctions in Paris 13 June 2018
Even if this a school, in the style of Tiepolo, this artwork is a fantastic work by an unknown artist.
It shows once more that an old masters if not identified is almost worthless in an aution, which in my opinion is totally unfair

Same auction Millon June 13 2018,
Giacomo Guardi (1764-1835) Italy
gouache, ink , watercolor, pen
View of San MArco plazza, noted in Italian on the back
12.5 x 22.5 cm or 5"x 9"
estimated Euros 4.000-6000 or $ 4,800 - 7,000
not to confuse with his fater Francesco Guardi.
He continued his father's line of work, though without the same level of renown. The majority of his works are quite small views of only minor artistic interest, more akin to postcards than to his father's grand scenes, but he produced several paintings showcasing a notable level of artistic skill as well. Evaluating his legacy is somewhat complicated due to the frequency with which paintings are misattributed to him.

Same auction Millon June 13, 2018
Circle of Giovanni Boldini, around 1900
Oil on canvas
59cm x 81 cm or 23" x 31"
estimated Euros 1.000-1.500 or $ 1400 - 1800
Very nice work
Opportunity to own a very good post impressionist painting, at a very affordable price

Sam Francis
Untitled (SF91-76; SF90-903PRS) - Circa 1990
Acrylic on paper
Signed dated & noted o the back"Sam Francis, 1990, SFPRS 903"
105 cm x 75 cm or 42" x 30"
estimated Euros 60.000 / 80.000 or $ 70,000 / 90,000
Provenance : Andre Emmerich Gallery, New York
Galerie Bernard Cats, Bruxelles
Collection particulière, Bruxelles
Sale at Artcurial France June 5 2018
Important American artist
Large item
Definitely a very good investment at that price
Jean Michel Atlan
Untitled - 1955
Oil on canvas
Signed right lower corner "Atlan"
h: 81 w: 54 cm
Estimated Euros 30.000 /40.000 or $35,000 / 43,000
Provenance : Private Collection
Vente, Paris, Etude Binoche & Godeau, 8 mars 1996, lot 3
Collection Mr. & Mrs. François Delrieu
Sale Artcurial France June 5 2018
Fantastic painter,
Prices for a painting like this one would have been $ 150,000 10 years ago.
No doubt that the value of the paintings by this artist will climb very soon.