Gerard Van Weyenbergh has spent the last 35 years working as
an independent broker dealing with galleries throughout Europe.
Working together with his son and associates they have been traveling
extensively throughout the world, appraising, authenticating and researching
contemporary and old masters.
Gerard Van Weyenbergh has collaborated with the following galleries
and auction houses, selling and buying art and antiques;
Europe: Galerie Charles Bailly, Galerie Andre Gombert, Galerie Horta etc.
Auction Houses in France - Drouot Auction, Gros & Delettrez
Christie's- London, France, USA
Sotheby’s – New York, London, Monaco
Gerard Van Weyenbergh has extensively collaborated with the
Louvre Museum of Abu Dhabi , and governmental and para-governmental
administrations in several countries.

The background of our associates includes art history degrees from:
-Ecole du Louvre, Paris - Art History.
-Ecole Saint Luc, Brussels –Architecture.
-University Paul Valery, Montpellier.
As experienced private art brokers and art appraisers dealing with
major galleries in Paris, Brussels and New York, and recognized art
experts of 19th and 20th Century European paintings we have contacts
with auction houses in Europe and the US and a history of work with
the experts: Comite Picasso ( ex ), Les Amis de Miro, Schmitt, Lafaille,
Galerie Bailly, etc.
Art appraisals and art authentications are our specializations for 35 years.
IFAA ( International Fine Art Appraisers, certified appraisers ) member.
Art appraisal and art authentication resources.
We have extensive art appraisal resources in our private collection
of over 3000 fine art books and catalogs, 2000 international auction
catalogs in Europe and US, an electronic database with over
13,000,000 auctions results for paintings.
We are privileged readers at following libraries and research centers:
-Ecole du Louvre, Paris,
-Getty Foundation, Los Angeles
-Frick Collection, Paris
-Museum Pompidou, Paris
-Musee d’Orsay, Paris
-University Paul Valery, Montpellier
-Musee de la Ville Beziers, France
-Frick Collection, NY. etc