What is "really" an art authentication
What an art expert should provide in art authentication, the 7 steps
Seen on the web about art authentication, errors to avoid part 1
How to be 100% sure the painting you buy is "really" authentic.
Is an art authentication "really" indisputable?
An art authentication research made a customer unhappy but...
an art authentication file includes:
-Justification of authenticity by comparison with other works by the artist
-Reestablish the works in the "catalogue raisonne".
-Comparison with other works made by the artist at the same time
-Comparison with other artists in the same period or movement
-Research about the historic, provenance,
-Reestablish historic of the painting
-Graphology analysis of handwriting ( not always)
-Signature analysis On-site analysis of painting
-Eventually study of the pigments
-Study of the support
-Study of the manner
-Wood lamp test
-Infrared test ( not always)
Conclusion: presentation of the file to a recognized expert